
9:30 hrs
Breakfast snacks are served / Networking
9:30 - 10:00 hrs
Introduction & Session One
10:00 - 11:15 hrs
Mid-Morning Break
11:15 - 11:40 hrs
Session Two
11:40 - 12:40 hrs
12:40 - 13:40 hrs
Session Three
13:40 - 14:40 hrs
14:40 - 15:10 hrs
Wrap Up / Closing drinks
15:10 hrs


The Duke of Richmond and Gordon

Master of Ceremonies

Sarah Montague


Session One

Lawmakers and infrastructure: the context for the New Mobility

The companies driving the New Mobility cannot innovate in a vacuum. They have to win the approval of lawmakers and regulators, and be relevant in a physical environment which will be less friendly to the car in future: our growing cities in particular. This session places senior lawmakers from the UK and USA alongside innovators rethinking our cities, or designing new ones from scratch. Who are the politicians listening to? How might the innovators in the room better make their case to them? How do the elected prioritize the competing interests of their electors, the environment, economic security and the simple need to move people and goods around efficiently? We’ll ask the innovators on our panel if bureaucracies help or hinder what they’re trying to do, and whether politicians can make the big, 30-year infrastructure calls when their focus is on the next election.


Mark Harper, UK Secretary of State for Transport
JB Pritzker, Governor Of Illinois
Brian Barlow: Co-CEO, Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners
Florian Lennert, Member of founding team, NEOM, Head of Urban Development & Mobility

Session TWO

Electrifying the automotive supply chain, and insulating it from shock

The automotive supply chain is being remade as never before, and for two distinct reasons. The shift to EVs is making OEMs reliant on new suppliers and new natural resources. At the same time, the unwinding of globalisation and the rise of onshoring and friendshoring is forcing them to rethink where everything is sourced. The scale, value and importance of these new EV supply chains – and the fact that they can still be shaped - means they’re front-and-centre for governments concerned about their nations’ future economic security. Our panel are all actively engaged in this shift. We’ll ask whether the increased costs of retreating supply chains will make EVs more expensive just as they need to get cheaper; whether AI-driven efficiencies in the supply chain can mitigate those costs; how ready the supply chain will be for the next major shock, perhaps in Taiwan; and the scale of the shift required: is this being driven as much by geopolitical panic as by economic reality?


Dr Herbert Diess, Chairman, Infineon Technologies
Amber Okoye, Supply Chain Expert, Former SVP, Gen. Dynamics
Max Warburton, Advisor to the Board, Mercedes-Benz
Alan Gershenhorn, Former CCO, UPS

Session THREE

Beyond the car: how planes, trucks and chips are remaking mobility too

Nucleus has long known that the New Mobility is about far more than the car, and that the next big leaps are likely to come in areas in which the automotive OEMs have no experience. Since the first Nucleus, electric trucking and urban flight have developed quickly, and are likely soon to be improving our cities. Despite its bad press, AI is already subtly making transport – especially of goods – safer and more efficient. And across mobility, OEMs and start-ups alike are leveraging ever-smarter tech from their suppliers. For this debate we’ve assembled three innovators from beyond the passenger car world, and a leader from a technology titan supplying changemakers of all scales. We’ll ask the start-ups how they’re making possible what was once thought otherwise, and we’ll ask our panellist with a view across the entire piece what further great leaps we might expect, and whether the big beasts or the small fry are using their tech most imaginatively.


Essa Al-Saleh, CEO, Volta
Shoaib Makani, CEO, Motive AI
Dirk Hoke, CEO, Volocopter
Danny Shapiro, VP Automotive, NVIDIA



Tony Fadell, Investor, Future Shape



Jesus Mantas,  Global Managing Partner, Business Transformation Services and Corporate Development, IBM Consulting
