
9:30 hrs
9:30 - 10:00 hrs
Welcome & Introduction
10:00 - 10:20 hrs
Session One
10:20 - 11:30 hrs
Mid-Morning Break
11:30 - 12:00 hrs
Session Two
12:00 - 13:00 hrs
13:00 - 14:00 hrs
Session Three
14:00 - 14:50 hrs
Wrap Up
14:50 - 15:00 hrs
Closing Drinks
15:00 hrs


The Duke of Richmond and Gordon

Master of Ceremonies

Sarah Montague


Erik Brenneis, Chief Executive Officer, Vodafone Global Enterprise

Session One

Artifical Intelligence

This is a critical moment for AI in mobility. Eighty per cent of major automotive businesses mention machine learning in their core strategy and most are investing in it heavily, yet just ten per cent currently use it across their operations. AI is fundamental to autonomy, and a key enabler of the other three pillars of the CASE transformation. But the breakthroughs are yet to come, and the car industry has so far used AI mainly to make its traditional processes smarter. We're at an inflection point: if AI is to have the impact its proselytes claim, its killer applications must be in development now, possibly by those present on our panel.


Stan Boland, Co-Founder & CEO, Five.ai
Cynthia Breazeal, Associate Professor, MIT Media Lab
Ozgur Tohumcu, CEO, Oxbotica
Yann LeCun, VP & AI Scientist, Facebook

Session TWO


China's long boom has made it a source of sales and profits for the established car makers. But now it's the likely source of the ideas and enterprises which will disrupt those incumbents. It has an open, collaborative tech culture, which understands the complex digital lives of consumers in the world's biggest market, and can deliver what they want. It has ambitious car makers, and investors with the big budgets required for big data. It has state actors committed to creating new ecosystems of mobility, and the power to create the regulations to match. China will soon be not only buying into Western car makers, but offering credible alternatives to them. The members of our panel are leading that change.


James Peng, CEO & Co-Founder, Pony.ai
John Abbott, Downstream Director, Royal Dutch Shell plc
Giles Taylor, Global VP of Design & Chief Creative Officer, FAW Group
Claire Gong

Session THREE

Inside the Moonshoot Factory

Recognized as the clear leader in the self-driving space, with 10 years of experience, Alphabet-backing, and a unique approach to building the World’s Most Experienced Driver, John Krafcik’s Waymo team is the kind of business his counterparts at carmakers and in adjacent industries might instinctively fear. But John and his team have taken a different tack, partnering with a slew of companies across the space to share and deploy their technology: Jaguar Land Rover, Fiat Chrysler, Renault, Nissan, Lyft, Avis, AutoNation and others. With an enabling-not-disrupting ethos, John and his team are working to deploy Waymo Drivers that improve safety and productivity across a wide spectrum of business and industries, including ride-hailing, logistics, public transportation and personal car ownership.


John Krafcik, CEO, Waymo



Joseph Vitale, Global Automotive Sector Leader, Deloitte
