Conference Rationale


The ‘rise of machines’ that think for themselves has been something of a science fiction fantasy for decades. Today, it’s something that’s going to play a very real part of everyday life. As exciting as these developments are, to have machines and robots help us to live our lives across every aspect of society, brings with it, an element of uncertainty and fear of the unknown. ‘Will the machines take over?’, ‘will they make decisions without our consent or harm us?’ might be some of the questions on people’s minds.

With any new developments, this is a natural response, so needs to be appreciated, however, the power and benefits of artificial intelligence cannot be denied. Particularly when we can harness these innovative technologies for the future of the automotive industry – plus, most importantly, to create great experiences for our Customers and employees.

As we move towards new business models, there’s an opportunity here for technology, in this case, artificial intelligence (AI), to support successful outcomes. Billions of lines of code to support networks, massive computing power, billions of daily decisions (sometimes in fractions of a second), will be needed. Enter AI – the industry’s new ‘best friend’.

AI is critical to enabling operational process and cost efficiencies, improving product development, supply chain, manufacturing and quality – across mobility networks and within vehicles themselves. Fleets of autonomous vehicles and other modes of transport will operate in harmony, making split-second decisions on our behalf, to increase safety, prevent injury and deaths on the roads. Think of it this way, if the billions of lines of code are the lifeblood of the future of mobility, AI is the heartbeat that ensures it flows healthily and efficiently through the integrated mobility system.

As well as helping humans to thrive, AI will do the same for businesses by creating a deeper understanding of their Consumers lifestyles – likes and dislikes, travel patterns, etc. Businesses can then use this insight to proactively predict and offer unique and engaging, products and services that truly hit the mark.

Over the years, the discussions at Nucleus have provided an opportunity for companies operating across industries, to work through global challenges and enable the successful future of mobility. We’ve been joined by automakers, innovators, technology and telecoms companies, government and a host of other industry representatives. Sometimes direct, provocative and even uncomfortable conversations have arisen – but the sessions have provided a safe and respectful space where members have been able to air views. The constructive debate allows participants to truly understand how they will implement these future technologies across their business; even more importantly than ever, how they’ll do so ethically and in the right way.

AI is a topic that is pervasive and highly important to all companies working in mobility, regardless of role and scale.  Whether a manufacturer, enabler of connectivity, provider of mobility services or creator of the rules and regulation that will govern the future of mobility, AI will impact your organisation. What is key, at a minimum, is that you’re able to leave Nucleus having had an opportunity to ask questions and seek perspective, which will enable you to manage and lead your organisations into the future of mobility.

As Nucleus partner, Vodafone Business is looking forward to meeting you at on the day and continuing our conversations.
